Ruairidh – 11 days old

Little Ruairidh Valentino was one of my youngest models, and an excellent one at that. Just eleven days old, he only complained when we tried to coax him out of his baby grow – that Italian blood must have known he would still look stylish on a mossy bed in his stripy blue outfit!
As well as some posed shots, I was keen to get some images of Ruairidh with his parents to document this special time; they’ve ended up being among my favourites because of the connection between this tiny little man and the people who will look after him. A tiny bundle clinging to his mother’s arm, trying to open both eyes at once; or gazing up at his father, listening intently to the dancing Italian words.

Congratulations Patricia and Luca, you have a beautiful baby boy!









If you are interested in a newborn photo shoot, please get in touch early into your pregnancy so that I can block off possible dates in the first three weeks of your child’s life. Get in touch to find out more about my baby photography plan and tell the story of your new family.

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