I followed the smell of incense and the low murmur of deep voices singing, through what looked like an admin building into the hidden gem within: a small Romanian chapel with Denisa and Lukas crowned. The Romanian service was quite long so the couple had asked me to come towards the end. With their family gathered around, I was able to capture their first kiss as husband and wife in this quite corner of Fribourg.
After the ceremony, Christian and Maria – invaluable with their help as bestman and bridesmaid – directed us to the Schloss Münchenwiler for the apéro. Although the rain forced us inside we did find a break in the showers to capture a few romantic portraits in the gorgeous castle grounds before the bride was kidnapped and held to ransom!
A Romanian tradition, the groom had to barter with her family to win her back. Luckily the bestman had arranged with a kind local farmer, for three sheep to help in the process! After Lukas serenaded his new wife with a beautiful trumpet piece, the afternoon ended with a blessing the castle’s chapel.
Denisa and Lukas’ family and friends brought much warmth and laughter to a day when the weather was not kind but as the saying goes ‘un mariage pleuvieux, un mariage heureux’ and Denisa and Lukas, I hope that the warmth and laughter will be every lasting in your life together.