Week 1 | 3 photographers, 3 countries, 3 weeks | iphone project

Last week was week one of the 3 photographers, 3 countries, 3 weeks iPhone photography project set up by the lovely Sarah Mason. I met Sarah and Rachel Hein at an Aspire Photography course in the Lake District in 2011 as we were all just beginning our dream of turning our passion for photography into businesses. While I am in Switzerland, Sarah is based in Yorkshire and Rachel is in Edinburgh.
At first I was a bit skeptical about a ‘photo a day’ project because I am terrible at them! The silly thing is that I take lots of pictures every day with whatever is lying around – my 5ds, my Fuji, dad’s old film Pentax, my iPhone – but if some one tells me I have to, I choke!! (or rebel). But I’ve really enjoyed this project so far. Sarah chose the first week’s words, pictured in order below: light, wild, tree, sky, lines, eat, cosy. To see more from my fellow photographers check out their interpretations on Facebook.

iphone VSCO cam light & wild

iphone VSCO cam light & wild

iphone VSCO cam tree & sky

iphone VSCO cam tree & sky

iphone abstract portrait

iphone abstract portrait

iphone VSCO cam eat and cosy

iphone VSCO cam eat and cosy

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